
From I-15 NB or SB


  1. Take exit 271 for Orem Center Street.  Turn toward the mountains (right for Northbound or left for Southbound).
  2. Continue on Orem Center Street all the way until it curves up the side of the mountains and turns into Foothill.  After you cross University Ave the road will start to wind a bit, and the name might change once or twice, but KEEP GOING.  
  3. Once the road turns into Foothill and you are driving south, watch for Dover Drive on the right-hand side (it will have a yellow "No Outlet" sign).  Turn right onto Dover.
  4. Continue to the very end of the road.  We are the house at the end of the Cul-de-Sac, number 984.

Please park anywhere on the street, but don't block driveways or park in front of the fire hydrant.